Spring has sprung and we’re looking forward to our next concert
This will be in aid of Reading Autistic Families Together
Join us on Saturday, 18th May at 7:00 pm
Highmoor Methodist Church
Highmoor Road, Caversham RG4 7BG
Tickets are £10 each (free to under 16s)
Available from choir members or by phoning 0118 948 1321
Recent concerts have raised money for the following charities:
Daisy’s Dream – Child Bereavement Charity – £698 from a collection taken at our Spring 2023 concert
Alexander Devine Childrens’ Hospice – £1000 of which £407 came from a bucket collection
Launchpad – £1,437 of which £737 came from collection buckets, carol concerts and sales of CDs
Christmas 2023
Thank you to everyone who joined our carol singing in the Caversham precinct
and to those who dropped some cash in our collection bucket for the Launchpad charity
Along with donations from our carol concert in Highmoor Church, your generosity helped us raise over £700